Firstly,schools would need to implement thermometers at school entrances and the use of classroom cameras to trace students exposed to the virus.
For social distancing in schools,there should be a certain number of students in a school on a given day, either by having students attend on alternate days or by adopting a half-day model in which half the students attend in the morning and half in the afternoon. So there would be a 50 percent drop in transport users meaning drivers could implement a one student per seat rule which would allow social distancing on school buses.It would likely require closing gymnasiums and having students eat lunch at their desks.To avoid crowded hallways,students could remain in a single class while the teachers rotate so the students don't have to occupy the hallway.For sports to resume,or teachers would have to prioritize non-contact sports like tennis and gold instead of sports like football or basketball.For sportsbsuch as gymnastics to take place, equipment should be spread out and the number of participants in gymsshouos be reduced.Then the sport can be conducted.Alongside ensuring equipment is disinfected. Virtual ban practices can also be conducted whereby participants use software such as 'zoom' for practices.