Hey! So here is what I've gathered for you in my research. Variation, Overproduction, Adaptation and descent with modification are the four principles that have enabled mosquitos to change in terms of population growth.
Step-by-step explanation:
Variation- Heritable differences that exist in every population are the basis for natural selection.
Overproduction- Competition between offspring for resources.
Adaptation- a trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce.
and finally..
Descent with Modification- Natural Selection will result in species with adaptation that are well suited for survival and reproduction
Put simply the earth is getting hotter and hotter and the warmer the temperatures are the more likely insects and pests are to bother you, as well as wet conditions, mosquitos will be reproducing in larger numbers than normal. The warming climate has also contributed to the discovery of tropical mosquito species in Canada, which produces diseases that were not previously present in the country.
Hope this helps bud!