The affixes meaning "without" are 'a-' and 'in-'. The combinations of given stems and suffixes create words like 'digestion', 'spiritual', 'actually', and 'literature', where [ch] is spelled 't' due to palatalization.
The affixes that mean "without" in the provided list are 'a-' and 'in-'. 'A-' is used in words like amoral (without morals) and 'in-' is used in words like insufficient (without sufficient quantity).
Here are examples showing how some of the given prefixes, bases, and suffixes combine to form words where [ch] is spelled 't' due to palatalization:
- dis + gest + ion = digestion
- spirit + ual = spiritual
- question + er = questioner
- act + ual + ly = actually
- ad + vent + ure + ous = adventurous
- script + ure + al = scriptural
- liter + ate + ure = literature
Combining gallery + I + es results in galleries, with the 'ie' representing the [ē] sound.