x = -12
Step by step solution :
Step 1 :
Simplify —
Step 2 :
Rewriting the whole as an Equivalent Fraction :
2.1 Adding a whole to a fraction
Rewrite the whole as a fraction using 2 as the denominator :
12 12 • 2
12 = —— = ——————
1 2
Step 3 :
Rewriting the whole as an Equivalent Fraction :
3.1 Subtracting a whole from a fraction
Rewrite the whole as a fraction using 2 as the denominator :
6 6 • 2
6 = — = —————
1 2
Step 4 :
When a fraction equals zero :
4.1 When a fraction equals zero ...
Where a fraction equals zero, its numerator, the part which is above the fraction line, must equal zero.
Now, to get rid of the denominator, Tiger multiples both sides of the equation by the denominator.
One solution was found :
x = -12