0 votes
Suppose you are given three data items that indicate a starting index in a list, an array of characters, and an array of link index. You are to write a program that traverses the links and locates the characters in their correct sequence. For each characters you locate, copy it to a new array. Suppose you used the following sample data, and assumed the arrays use zero-based indexes:

start = 1
chars: H A C E B D F G
links: 0 4 5 6 2 3 7 0
Then the values copied (in order) to the output array would be A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H. Declare the chraracter array are a type BYTE, and to make the problem more interesting, declare the links array type DWORD.

User Bernadine
6.6k points

1 Answer

5 votes


see explaination

Step-by-step explanation:

INCLUDE Irvine32.inc

;declare the variables

SPACE = 32

startIndex = 1


statement BYTE "The correct sequence of array: ",0

; declare the chars('H','A','C','E','B','D','F','G')

chars BYTE 48h,41h,43h,45h,42h,44h,46h,47h

sizeOfArray = ($ - chars)

links DWORD 0,4,5,6,2,3,7,0

outputArray BYTE sizeOfArray DUP(?)


main PROC

; assign starting index

mov eax,startIndex

; assign offset of array chars

mov ebx,OFFSET chars

; assign the size of the array

mov ecx, sizeOfArray

; assign the offset of array links

mov edi,OFFSET links

; assign the offset of new array

mov esi,OFFSET outputArray

; call the traverseLink procedure

call traverseLink

; display the characters of new array

mov edx,OFFSET statement

call writeString

; assign the offset of new array

mov esi,OFFSET outputArray

; assign the size of the array

mov ecx, sizeOfArray

; call the procedure printArray to print the ordered array

call printArray


main ENDP

traverseLink PROC


; get the character at index eax

mov dl,[ebx+eax]

; assign it to new array

mov [esi] , dl

; get the value at the next index

mov eax,[edi+eax*4]

; goto next location of new array

inc esi

; repeat until ecx=0

loop forLoop


traverseLink ENDP

printArray PROC


; get the character at index eax

mov al,[esi]

; print the character

call WriteChar

; increament esi to get next character

inc esi

; print the space character

mov al,SPACE

call WriteChar

loop forLoop

call Crlf


printArray ENDP

END main

User Bsoundra
7.2k points