3 votes
C++ You are asked to implement two function templates and a class template.

findMax() function template

Complete the definition of a function template, named findMax(), which takes the input of an array of any data type and an integer that tells the number of elements in the given array. This function will return the maximum element (with the maximum value) in the given array.

MyPair class template

Complete the definition of a class template, named MyPair. This template class consists of two private member variables, left and right that may or may not be the same type. For instance, you can use this class to create an object that pairs an integer with a float number. You can also use this class to create an object that pairs two integers to give the index of an element in a 2D array.

Please complete the implementation of the member functions of this class as indicated in the provided template. You will need them for passing the tests.

swapPairObjs() function template

Once finishing the definition of the MyPair class template, implement a new template function named, swapPairObjs() that takes two MyPair objects as input and swap them.


If the user initializes a MyPair object with an 8 and "COSC100", then 8 will be assigned to the variable left of the object and "COSC100" will be assigned to the variable right. Finally, output the information of this object in the following format

Left: 8
Right: COSC100

//templateFunctions.h file


using namespace std;

#include "templateClass.h"

//FIX ME: Complete the header of the function template findMax()
// This function takes the array of any type as input and return its maximum value
T max = arr[0];

for (int i = 1; i < nelems; i++)
if (arr[i] > max)
max = arr[i];

return max;

// FIX ME: Implement the swapPairObjs() function that swaps the two objects of MyPair
void swapPairObjs(/* define the parameters here */)



//templateClass.h file

#ifndef MYPAIR_H
#define MYPAIR_H

// FIX ME: please provide the proper template prefix for the MyPair class template
class MyPair {
MyPair(T1 _left, T2 _right);
T1 getLeft();
T2 getRight();
void setLeft(T1 _left);
void setRight(T2 _right);

T1 left;
T2 right;

//FIX ME: Complete the definition of the constructor MyPair(T1 _left, T2 _right)
// that will assign value _left to the left variable and _right to right.

//FIX ME: Complete the definition of the getLeft() function

//FIX ME: Complete the definition of the setLeft() function

//FIX ME: Complete the definition of the getRight() function

//FIX ME: Complete the definition of the setRight() function

#endif // !MYPAIR_H

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//templateFunctions.h file



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

#include "templateClass.h"

//FIX ME: Complete the header of the function template findMax()

// This function takes the array of any type as input and return its maximum value

template <typename T>

T findMax(const T arr[], int nelems)


T max = arr[0];

for (int i = 1; i < nelems; i++)


if (arr[i] > max)

max = arr[i];


return max;



// FIX ME: Implement the swapPairObjs() function that swaps the two objects of MyPair

template<typename T1, typename T2>

void swapPairObjs(MyPair<T1,T2>& object1, MyPair<T1,T2>& object2)


T1 temp1_left=object1.getLeft(),temp2_left=object2.getLeft();

T2 temp1_right=object1.getRight(),temp2_right=object2.getRight();







//templateClass.h file

#ifndef MYPAIR_H

#define MYPAIR_H

// FIX ME: please provide the proper template prefix for the MyPair class template

template <typename T1, typename T2>

class MyPair {


MyPair(T1 _left, T2 _right);

T1 getLeft();

T2 getRight();

void setLeft(T1 _left);

void setRight(T2 _right);


T1 left;

T2 right;


//FIX ME: Complete the definition of the constructor MyPair(T1 _left, T2 _right)

// that will assign value _left to the left variable and _right to right.

template<typename T1, typename T2>

MyPair<T1,T2>::MyPair(T1 _left, T2 _right)





//FIX ME: Complete the definition of the getLeft() function

template<typename T1, typename T2>

T1 MyPair<T1,T2>::getLeft()


return left;


//FIX ME: Complete the definition of the setLeft() function

template<typename T1, typename T2>

void MyPair<T1,T2>::setLeft(T1 _left)




//FIX ME: Complete the definition of the getRight() function

template<typename T1, typename T2>

T2 MyPair<T1,T2>::getRight()


return right;


//FIX ME: Complete the definition of the setRight() function

template<typename T1, typename T2>

void MyPair<T1,T2>::setRight(T2 _right)




#endif // !MYPAIR_H

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User Furqan Sehgal
7.0k points