See explaination
Step-by-step explanation:
Given data:
.code main
mov eax, 10 means eax=10,(now eax register contain 10)
mov ebx ,10 means ebx=10
mov ecx, 10 means ecx=10
mov edx, 10 means edx =10
call proc1 measn invoke the proc1 function
call DumpReg means Display the register
exit main endp means main function closed
///// now proc1 function part'
L1 means it's start a scope as loop
add eax, 1 means increament one or eax=eax+1 => 11 ( because eax was 10 )
add ebx , 1 means ebx=ebx+1 =>11
Loop L1 means this is loop
cmp ebx ,20 compare ebx with 20
jne return means if ebx==20 then jump onto return statement else go ahead
mov edx 20 means edx=20
retunrn : ret proc1 endp endp main means when return statement come it will end then proc1 and redirect to main function;
after exicute this code :
EAX contain 11
EBX contain aslo 11
ECX contain 10
EDX contain 20