Check the explanation
Hypotheses are:

Following is the output of t test:
Hypothesis Test: Independent Groups (t-test, pooled variance)
X1 X2
12 15.5 mean
3.6591 3.6839 std. dev.
10 15 n
23 df
-3.5000 difference (X1 - X2)
13.4999 pooled variance
3.6742 pooled std. dev.
1.5000 standard error of difference
0 hypothesized difference
-2.33 t
.0287 p-value (two-tailed)
The p-value is:
p-value = 0.0287
Since p-value is less than 0.05 so we reject the null hypothesis. That is we can conclude that the exercise program have a significant effect.
The cohen's d is