32.761 %
Percentage is any fraction or ration expressed as a fraction of 100.
Percentage is calculated using formula
If A has to be expressed as percentage of then it can be expressed as
A/B * 100 in percentage form .
For given problem price paid for sweater = $36.20
original price of sweater = $90.50
Problem is to express percentage of price for which sweater was on sale for.
It can be mathematically expressed as
what is 36.20% of 90.5
percentage of price for which sweater was on sale for = (price paid for sweater/original price of sweater ) * 100
It can be mathematically expressed as
what is 36.20% of 90.5
=> ($36.20/$90.50 )* 100= 32.761.
32.761 % of the original price sweater was on sale for.
For better understanding ,It can also be said that that if the original price of sweater had been $100, then you would have got it at $32.761 .