The number of 5-digit numbers divisible by either 60 or 70 but are not divisible by 120 is 2035, 5-digit numbers
Here, to find the number of 5-digit numbers divisible by 60 and 70 but not divisible by 120 we have
The 5-digit numbers are between 10000 and 99999
Therefore, we have;

Thus we have multiples of 60 from 167×60 to 1666×60 which are 5-digit numbers
Hence we have, 1666 - 167 = 1499 numbers which are 5-digits and divisible by 60
Similarly for 70, we have;

Therefore the total number of 5-digit numbers divisible by 70 is 1428 - 143 = 1285 5-digit numbers
Hence, the number of 5-digit numbers divisible by both 60 or 70 = 1499 + 1285 = 2784 5 digit numbers
The number of 5-digit numbers divisible by 120 is found similarly as follows;
which is 833 - 84 = 749, 5 digit numbers
Therefore, the number of 5-digit numbers divisible by either 60 or 70 but are not divisible by 120 since any 5-digit number divisible by 120 is divisible by 60 = 2784 - 749 = 2035, 5-digit numbers.