The minimum cost will be "$214085".
Step-by-step explanation:
i) When quantity = 1-1500, price = $ 12.50 , and holding price is $12.50 * 20 %= $2.50.
ii) When quantity = 1501 -10,000, price = $ 12.45 , and holding price is $12.45 * 20 %= $2.49.
iii) When quantity = 10,0001- and more, price = $ 12.40 , and holding price is $12.40 * 20 %= $2.48.
know we should calculate the total cost of EOQ1 and break ever points (1501 to 10,000)units
The total cost is less then 15001. So, optimal order quantity is 1501, that's why cost is = $214085.