If you think about it, we only need access to the following four things to survive: 1) water, 2) oxygen, 3) shelter, 4) food. Basically, if you have where to sleep, what to eat and drink, and if the air you bread is good, you can last forever – well, at least till a certain age.1 I mean, these four things are enough for someone on the planet earth to live. You may not even have to work and worry about money if you have a small garden where you grow your own food.
Still, very few people want this type of lifestyle, where you’re isolated from the modern world and you only live to survive. To live like a modern person, to create, build, raise a family and shape the future the way you desire, you need a bit more than only the above four things. At least that’s what we tell ourselves.
Step-by-step explanation: