Proper waste management allows for separation at the source and subsequent recycling, which allows materials that required energy and raw materials to be reincorporated into the production cycle, as the finished material is incorporated back into the production cycle, the amount of energy required for the production of the final product is less than if it were made from the start.
Step-by-step explanation:
A very useful example of energy conservation through waste management is the following: suppose that in your school they do proper waste management, therefore materials such as cardboard, paper and plastic are separated appropriately and are subsequently donate or sell to a company that is dedicated to recycling these materials, plastic is a material that requires a lot of energy, first for its elaboration and later for the creation of the final product such as the packaging of a shampoo or a chair, however, as the recycled plastic is already manufactured, the recycling company saves said energy, which only requires crushing the obtained plastic and selling it to a company that produces the final product.