The answer is "True".
Step-by-step explanation:
Following are the correct code to this question, at which it will give "true" output:
def any_lowercase4(s): #defining method any_lowercase4
flag = False #defining flag variable and assign boolean value
for c in s: #define loop that collect s variable value
flag = flag or c.islower() # using flag variable that checks passes value in lower case
return flag #return flag value
s="Row Data" #assign string value in s variable
print(any_lowercase4(s)) #call method and prints its return value
Program explanation:
- In this code a method "any_lowercase4" is defined, that accepts a variable s in its parameter, inside the method "flag" variable is used, that assign a value, that is false.
- In the next line, for loop is declared, inside the loop flag variable check parameter value into the lower case with or operator, and returns flag value.
- In the last line, inside the print method, the method "any_lowercase4" is called that accepts a string value.