1.Who won the most battles in 1812?
2. Did your prediction hold true? Was there any pattern to which side won when?
3. What was the most significant battle fought in 1812? Why did you choose that particular
4. Did any change occur to the pattern of victories in 1813? Why do you think that did or did
not happen?
5. What was the most significant battle fought in 1813? Why did you choose that particular
6. Did any change occur to the pattern of victories in 1813? Why do you think that did or did
not happen?
7. In 1814 the British war with France ended with the defeat of Napolean. Why would this have
a significant impact on the War in North America?
8. By 1814 both sides were ready to negotiate a peace settlement. Why do most historians
argue that there was no winner in this war?
9. The Treaty of Ghent ending the war was signed December 25, 1814, yet the Battle of New
Orleans occurred on January 8th, 1815. Why would the fighting continue after the war was