Problem: Many young and old people suffer from sleep deprivation and memory loss.
Likely Solution: We should increase their access to medical care, as well as make more resources available to them so that they can lead happy, fulfilling lives.
The most applicable ethical theory to my topic would be care ethics. This is because care ethics focuses on the importance of responding to the individual needs of others due to the interdependence of people. Care ethics would most likely prompt us to act in an ethical way to ensure the well-being of those we care about. The least applicable theory would be deontology, as it focuses on strict moral rules of right or wrong and duties. This do not relate strongly to the topic as it is not easy to establish our duties towards these people.
The ranking would look something like this:
1. Care Ethics
2. Utilitarianism (This would relate to my problem by stating that access to medical care and resources would increase the general well-being and happiness of the people in question).
3. Virtue Ethics (Virtue Ethics would focus on the virtues that should guide our behaviour in this situation, such as generosity and compassion).
4. Egoism (Egoism would encourage us to think of the situation in terms of how impacted or benefitted we are by it).
5. Deontology