In the following sentences indicted the expression that shows doubt or affirmation. Then indicate the subordinate clause and decide if it's indicative or subjunctive
2 No es cierto que este reportaje sea informativo
Answer 2: No es cierto , verb in SC: sea : subjunctive
Translation 2: It is not true that this report is informative.
3 Es posible que haya censura en el periódico.
Answer 3: Es posible , verb in SC: hay : indicative
Translation 3: There may be censorship in the newspaper.
4: Parece mentira que tú no hayas leído esto.
Answer 4: Parece mentira , verb in SC: hayas : subjunctive
Translation 4: It seems incredible that you have not read this.
5: Es evidente que este reportero está bien informado.
Answer 5: Es evidente , verb in SC: está : indicative
Translation 5: It is clear that this reporter is well informed.
6: Jaime no puede creer que tú leas las noticias.
Answer 6: No puede creer , verb in SC: leas : subjunctive
Translation 6: Jaime can't believe you read the news.
7: No estoy seguro que el locutor tenga toda la información.
Answer 7: No estoy seguro , verb in SC: tenga : subjunctive
Translation 7: I'm not sure the speaker has all the information.
8: No creo que ella vaya a leer la sección deportiva.
Answer 8: No creo , verb in SC: vaya a leer : subjunctive
Translation 8: I don't think she is going to read the sports section.