The two groups that benefited from changes in India are India's lowest social castes and women.
Step-by-step explanation:
Despite the fact that India's growth rate has improved most especially in economic growth, the living conditions of most of its populace is alarming. When Deng Xiaoping of China started a program in India named the Four Modernizations that allowed for some features of a free-market economy, private ownership of a property was allowed which enabled entrepreneurs to set businesses. This also enabled farmers to sell their surplus farm produce and keep their profits.
As a result of this economic surge and development, foreign investment was a welcomed idea. However, this economic growth helped to widen the gap between the poor farmers and the wealthy city dwellers. Also despite the economic growth, communist leaders did not allow for political freedom. Citizens had no right to demonstrate or air their displeasure especially the poor and the lowest social castes who have no voice of their own.
With all the economic improvements, the majority of India's population still surfers and live below the poverty line. However, some changes in India growth has helped to improve the lowest social castes and women in India. The constitution has also banned the discrimination against the dalits who are the lowest caste but there is still prejudices. India constitution has also granted that women should have equal rights with men.