In the second half, the Seventeens took advantage of their
What is the effect of telling the events during the
size and experience. Their passes were crisp, and they
soccer game in the order in which they happen?
chipped their way downfield, using their elbows to
It makes the reader wonder what happened before
control the movements of the younger, smaller team.
the game started.
Again Peshawa juked around the Fifteens' midfielders
and a toddler who had wandered onto the field, then
It helps the reader experience the action of the
tapped the ball around Hamdu Muganga, one of the two
game as it occurs.
Somali Bantu brothers who had joined the Fifteens on 10 It gives more information about the relationship
defense. Peshawa scored; 2-1, the Seventeens now led
between Luma and her team.
A few minutes later, Kanue was dribbling downfield and
1 x It helps the reader focus on the thoughts of several
had just passed the ball when one of the older players
players at once.
took him out with a vicious tackle. Kanue rolled forward
violently on his right shoulder and tumbled to a stop in
the dust. He looked up for a whistle, but there was none.
Luma was letting them play. Kanue was furious.
-Outcasts United,
Warren St. John