Answer: seen below
Step-by-step explanation:
A) Heart failure develops when the human heart, via an abnormality of cardiac function (which is either detectable or not), fails to pump blood at a rate similar with the requirements of the metabolizing tissues or is able to do so only with an elevated diastolic filling pressure. In heart failure, the heart may not provide the body tissues with adequate blood for it metabolic needs, and cardiac-related elevation of pulmonary or systemic venous pressures may result in organ congestion. This condition can result from abnormalities of either systolic or diastolic function or, commonly, both.
B) Differences between systolic and diastolic heart dysfunction is that systolic is characterized by a reduced ejection flow fraction and an enlarged left ventricular chamber,it is clinically associated with left ventricular failure in the presence of marked cardiomegaly while diastolic is an increased resistance to filling with increased filling pressures. This dysfunction is accompanied by pulmonary congestion together with a normal or only slightly enlarged ventricle. In simpler terms If you have systolic heart failure, it means your heart isn't contracting well during heartbeats. If you have diastolic heart failure, it means your heart isn't able to relax normally between heartbeats.
C) the cause of the patient's shortness of breath, awakening in the middle of the night and the need to prop herself up on three pillows is due to excess fluid that backs up in her lungs causing dyspnea propping the the patient to increase the number of pillows. This excess fluid is as a result of increased pressure of the pulmonary veins because the heart is unable to supply the lungs with the needed oxygen Which causes the shortness of breath during walking.
D,E and F) two points of teaching for this patient include educating patient on the disease process is very important using an evidence based resource like the American Heart association to enlighten patient. Educate both patient and nurses for follow up care to help improve management of disease and self care.