perfect negative correlation
correlation coefficient is the term used in statistic which provides the information of strength of relation between two variables. This value suggests if there is change in value of one variable, what will be the change in the variable and how much will value of that change.
What will be the change : it suggest whether change in value of one variable other will be increase or decrease .
If there is increase in one variable and other also increases it suggest there is positive correlation .
If there is decrease in one variable and other also decrease it suggest there is positive correlation .
how much will value of that change: It means to say if there is change in one variable by how much amount other variable will change.
If the value of correlation coefficient is high it means that change in value for one variable is high in to response change in other variable .
It values ranges from -1 to +1 high
while sign depicts type of relation that is positive or negative .
value from - 1 to + 1 depicts strength of the relation .
with - 1 depicting perfect negative correlation
+1 depicting perfect positive correlation.
In the problem it is given correlation coefficient is 1 which means it is positive and value of one means that if there x percentage increase in one variable then other variable will also increase by x percentage and vice versa.