Answer: 1. Systematic Sampling
2. b. keeping promises
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Systematic Sampling is a method of sampling that works by creating a sample from a population by using a set interval to pick. For example, every 15th person is picked. This number 15 is usually arrived at by dividing the population by the sample size needed for the research. For example if 5 people are needed from 75, you divide 75/5 to get 15. Every 15th person is then picked. This is not unlike the scenario described in the question.
2. Keeping promises
When a company markets to their employees first, they try to sell it to them on its benefits and advantages and how it generally works. The effect of this is that the employees go out to try to sell a product that they believe works. This is important because Employees are the ones that customers expect to keep the promise and will come back to it things don't work out.