The Linear programming problem has 3 constraints :- Milling time, Inspection time, Drilling time constraints.
Product A : 9 minutes milling, 7 minutes inspection, 6 minutes drilling Product B : 10 minutes milling, 5 minutes inspection, 8 minutes drilling Product C : 7 minutes milling, 3 minutes inspection, 15 minutes drilling
Total milling time available = 20 hours = (20 x 60) i.e 1200 minutes Total inspection time available = 15 hours = (15 x 60) i.e 900 minutes Total drilling time available = 24 hours = (24 x 60) i.e 1440 minutes
Let QA, QB, QC be quantities of product A, B, C respectively
- Milling time constraint : 9QA + 10QB + 7QC = 1200
- Inspection time constraint : 7QA + 5QB + 3QC = 900
- Drilling time constraint : 6QA + 8QB + 15QC = 1440