Je crois que il fais beau temps.
Il est certain que mes parents et moi allons faire des excursions.
Il n’est pas sûr que ma soeur fasse du bateau
Il est évident que mon frère joue sur la plage.
Je doute que mes parents puissent parler créole.
Il est vrai que nous sommes contentes.
Step-by-step explanation:
I believe the weather is nice.
It is certain that my parents and I will are going on excursions.
It is not sure that my sister goes boating.
It is evident that my brother plays on the beach.
I doubt that my parents can speak Creole.
It is true that we are happy.
Use indicative for things that are fact, or likely to be true. Use subjunctive for things that are doubtful.
I am surprised that this assignment does not use expressions of wishing and hoping.
Then you might write something like
J'éspère qu'il puisse possible apprendre faire du deltaplane!
I wish it were possible to learn to do hanggliding!
(That's a rare example of the subjunctive in English.)