0.20 or 20%
Brown shoes = 3
Black shoes = 2
Total shoes = 5
Brown pants = 1
Black shoes = 3
Total pants = 4
Brown socks =4
Black socks = 6
Red socks = 2
Total socks = 12
In order to choose shoes, pants and socks of the same color, Teddy can go either all black or all brown. For all black, there is a 2 in 5 chance he gets the right shoes, 3 in 4 chance for pants and 6 in 12 for socks. For all brown, there is a 3 in 5 chance he gets the right shoes, 1 in 4 chance for pants and 4 in 12 for socks.

The probability that he chooses shoes, pants, and socks of the same color is 0.20 or 20%.