In act 1 scene 2 of "Tempest" by William Shakespare, when Prospero noticed that Miranda and Ferdinand are falling in love too quickly, He tells Ferdinand he is going to imprison him, Ferdinand draws his sword in defence but still got charmed by Prospero.
Step-by-step explanation:
Prospero concerned about Ariel's plan to get Miranda and Ferdinand together, becomes rude to Ferdinand, He plans to slow their love in this quote in lines 448 he says"They are both in either's powers; but this swift business/ i must uneasy make, lest too light winning/ make the prize light."
After Prospero charmed Ferdinand, Miranda begs her father to have mercy on him but he refused her plea and leads Ferdinand to imprisonment. and tells Miranda that Ferdinand is pretending to be the prince of Naples and that she is inlove with him only because she has not met others.