a) 94 degrees lower
b) -17 degrees
you should draw a number line to visualize what i'm saying..
basically any number that has a greater value but is negative is obviously lower than a smaller negative value
for example: take -563 that is a lot less than -31 because its farther down the number line
okay to find the answer to question a) you need to obviously find the difference between -29 and 65 to do that you need to count the space in between -29 and 65 on a number line.
There's actually a much easier method just use your common sense and some math: so you can say the distance from 0 to 65 is … 65 and the distance from -29 to 0 is 29 so to find the total distance you add them up and you get your answer! (94)
for b) its even easier you just take the number -29 and add 12 from it to get closer to 0 so to do that you need to subtract 12 to get a smaller number but bigger value on the number line (if you draw this one out it will make sense). And the answer is... -17! I hope this made sense :)