A. An algae cell synthesizes food during photosynthesis
Step-by-step explanation:
Food is an important substance for the survival of an organism as it is the source of energy. Organisms obtain their food via different means viz: Autotrophism and Heterotrophism.
Heterotrophic nutrition is that kind of nutrition in which certain organisms obtain their food by feeding on other organisms due to their dependence on them. Organisms that employ this mode of nutrition are called HETEROTROPHS. Heterotrophic nutrition can either be saprophytic (feed on dead matter), parasitic (obtaining food from another living organism), or holozoic (feed on solid matter).
Autotrophism, on the other hand, involves synthesizing organic form of food by the organism through the process of photosynthesis. AUTOTOPHS like plants, algae, some bacteria carry out this form of nutrition.
Based on these description, an algae cell synthesizes food during photosynthesis is not heterotrophic but rather autotrophic. The other three options: A(parasitism), B(saprophytism), C(holozoic, carnivorous) depict heterotrophic nutrition.