When most every other rival company seems to be pursuing a low-cost/low-price/high- volume strategy Copying, redistributing, or website posting is expressly prohibited and constitutes copyright violation.
Step-by-step explanation:
For differentiation strategy that provides a product with higher attributes than those provided by other competitors at a higher price to work the appropriate business environment must be in place.
The high quality product to be produced must not be subject to copying, redistribution, or website posting. If the product is protected by copyright laws the company will be the only seller in the market and will make high profits as a result of the product differentiation.
Also most other sellers will be focused on selling low-cost/low-price/high- volume products. This will create a customer pool that will prefer to purchase stylish high-quality athletic footwear.
Footwear with high" S/Q ratings (8.5 stars or higher) can be sold above-average prices