Sometimes a decimal is a fraction that has a denominator of 100.
A decimal number is one that has an integer and a fractional part, usually separated from each other by a period (.). For example, the number 5.8 has an integer part (5) and a fractional or decimal part (0.8).
As a decimal number it can be understood as a decimal fraction, and taking into account that the word "Decimal" means "based on 10", a decimal fraction is a fraction where the denominator (the number below) is 10, 100, 1000 or any other power of ten.
For example, 2.3 is , 13.76 is and 2.987 is . So, decimal is a fraction that has a power of 10 as a denominator, but does not necessarily have a denominator of 100. Although sometimes it can happen because 100 is a power of 10 (10²)