Each student is assigned a two digit number, so let's split the random number line into two digit numbers:
59, 78, 44, 43, 12, 15, 95, 40, 92, 33, 00, 04, 67, 43, 18, 02, 61, 05, 73, 96, 16, 84, 33, 84, 54
Now let's identify the numbers between 00 and 29.
59, 78, 44, 43, 12, 15, 95, 40, 92, 33, 00, 04, 67, 43, 18, 02, 61, 05, 73, 96, 16, 84, 33, 84, 54
So the fifth student in the list is #18, or Quincy