What I Already Knew:
Knowing how fear works inside the brain can help the medical problem of irrational fears.
Fear is an instinctive emotion required for evolutionary survival.
Counseling, self-awareness, soothing activities, and introspection can be helpful to avoid anxiety attacks.
Fear can make several bodily functions change.
Step-by-step explanation:
What I Want to Learn More About:
How the brain and the amygdala work to make traumatic events trigger anxiety attacks.
How to better help people to distinguish between a real threat and simply a perceived one.
What I Learned:
Anxiety disorders are more common than I thought they were, as around 40 million Americans experience them.
ThereĀ“s a specific chemical reaction in the amygdala that makes us learn to overcome fear.
D-cycloserine in combination with therapy can strengthen that chemical reaction.