total time to read whole file = ( 81.380208 mili seconds ) + 80ms + 80ms
Step-by-step explanation:
Size of a surface = 675/15 = 45 MB
Size of a track = (Number of sectors per track)*(Size of a sector)
= (144*512)Bytes
= 73.728 KB
Number of tracks where 360KB file is located = 360/73.728 = 4.8828125 (Approx 5 tracks)
So Seek time to go the first track of the file = 80 ms
And after seek time for track to track movement = 4*20 = 80 ms
We need 4.8828125 rotations to read whole file.
Time for 4.8828125 ratations = (60.0/3600.0)*4.8828125 seconds = 0.081380208 seconds = 81.380208 mili seconds
So total time to read whole file = ( 81.380208 mili seconds ) + 80ms + 80ms