5 x2+ 15 x = 0 needs to be retyped as 5x^2 + 15x = 0. This is a quadratic because the highest x power is 2.
6x-1= 4x+7 lacks x^2 and so is linear, not quadratic.
x2.4 x= 4x+7 Needs to be retyped: x^2.4 ... Still not valid. A quadratic equation may contain only the whole number powers 2, 1 and 0.
02x-1=0 Not quadratic. 02x is improper.
3 x2 +5 x - 7 = 0 Needs retyping: 3x^2 + 5x - 7 = 0 is a quadratic; notice that the highest x power is x^2.
32x²=1=0 Please retype. 1 is never equal to 0 (as was typed here). However, the term 32x^2 could be part of a quadratic.