Only greedy people will be present at the end of a greedy life.
Step-by-step explanation:
Up until this point, despite the fact that Scrooge is a well off man, he has been a penny pincher, who not exclusively doesn't give solace to himself, as might be seen by his own belongings as appeared in Scene four, when a little gathering of gredy individuals have gathered them from the home where he lies dead, later on. Additionally, Scrooge has seen Cratchit's family, and how he, and his significant other and kids cheer in their shared organization and deal with an inexhaustible Christmas supper in spite of the way that Cratchit's wages are so low. Penny pincher is additionally moved by Tiny Tim, who communicates so much satisfaction and appreciation regardless of being so sick and will undoubtedly pass on soon if his family keeps on living in destitution. Tightwad hars how detested he is by Cratchit's significant other and how his neighbors care nothing for mim, all in view of his stinginess. At the point when he chooses to change and to share his riches liberally, he cheers with the delight he gives the kid Adam, the poultry dealer, and Bob Cratchit's family, whom he secretly sends an enormous turkey; these activities of liberality set his own spirits high, so he holds nothing back from appreciate Christmas with his nephew Fred and his significant other.