4 votes
1. Review the remittance advice (Figure 4-13), and circ

ittance advice (Figure 4-13), and circle the payment
2. Determine whether each payment denial
other each payment denial reason code would result in writing an):
• Appeal letter to the third-party payer (Figure 4-14)
• Collection letter to the patient (Figure 4-15)
3. Refer to the sample letters in Figures 4-14 and 4-15, and prepare apped
gures 4-14 and 4-15, and prepare appeal letter(s) and/or
collection letter(s) for each payment denial re
etter(s) for each payment denial reason code. (Do not prepare provider letters
of medical necessity.)
to wa

1 Answer

0 votes



1. Review the remittance advice (Figure 4-13), and circExplanation:

User Shida
3.6k points