To calculate 16.8 ÷ 0.35 without a calculator, let's first move the decimal of both values 2 places to the right.
We now have 1680.00 ÷ 35.00
Therefore we have:
Let's now move 2 decimal places to the left.
Thus, 16.8÷0.35 = 48.00
b) The standard procedure:
You move the decimal places in both values 2 places to the right to make them whole numbers.
After dividing, the decimal place of the answer is then moved back 2 places to the left.
c) (i) Let's consider we multiply both values by 100.

= 1680÷35
We can see that the decimal we moved 2 places to the right is correct.
ii) We can express the values in dollars as $16.8÷ $0.35
We can also express in cents as (16.8*100) 1680 cents and (0.35*100) 35 cents.
Expressing as cents, the values become:
1680 ÷ 35.
Thus, moving the decimal two places to the right is correct