The total number of combinations is 2,358,720,000
For the letter part of the ID we have 3 letters out of a space of 26 possible letters (a-z), and they can't repeat. For the number part we want to group 5 numbers out of 10 possible algarisms (0-9).So we can make an arrangement for the letters and one for the numbers and multiply them. The arrangment can be done using the following formula:
A(n,k) = (n!)/(n-k)!
Where n is the total number of possibilities and k is the size of the group.
For the letters:
A(26,3) = (26!)/(26-3)! = (26!)/(23!) = (26*25*24*23!)/(23!) = 26*25*24 = 15600
For the numbers:
A(10,5) = (10!)/(10 - 5)! = 10!/5! = (10*9*8*7*6*5!)/(5!) = 10*9*8*7*6*5 = 151200
The total number of combinations is the product of both, so:
combinations = 15600*151200 = 2,358,720,000