Why is Advertising so Important. reaction essay on the article
Step-by-step explanation:
To begin with, without advertising, a product or an idea will never flourish and therefore will never reach society. Advertising is an activity that includes spreading the word about some type of business or a product. Advertising can either boost a product or a business’ reputation; which causes high sales, or it can destroy the product or the business, making it a failure. Today, advertising is everywhere, advertising is completed with the help of the internet, satellite, and even through people. Since advertising is extremely significant in today’s world, people actually believe that advertising and branding is immensely more meaningful than the product itself! Advertising plays an essential role in business, however, it needs to succeed
When an advertisement knows its demographic, it must now choose the perfect sponsor for the ad. An example of a perfect sponsor for an ad would be Shrek. Penelope Royall, a HHS assistant secretary, claims that Shrek is a superb character for children and that the children would intensely benefit from Shrek because the children would copy Shrek; therefore, if Shrek exercises in the ad, the children would (Crary, 2007). This hypothesizes that children are building a connection with the sponsor and if the ad used the sponsor ethically, children would learn a thing or two that would help them. Sponsors can also affect the children in a negative way if they are promoting the wrong message. Bill Hall suggests that if Shrek was removed from the exercise ads and placed in only fast-food ads, it would turn into a single message (Meltz, 2007). This indicates that if Shrek was promoting only fast-food advertisements, the children would follow his single message, think about only fast-food, and eventually forgetting about the exercise advertisements that Shrek has been placed in. Shrek is an example of a sponsor that is part of the consumer’s life. According to Kathy Merlock Jackson, a children’s media and culture specialist, Shrek is a sponsor that children are strongly attracted to (Meltz, 2007). This reveals that if the sponsor is chosen correctly, the ad can essentially control the targeted audience because whatever the sponsor does, the audience would mimic the actions done by the sponsor because the audience look up to that particular sponsor. Not only are sponsors benefiting consumers, sponsors are turning millionaire companies into billionaire ones! According to Naomi Klein (1999), Nike was a $750 million company but having star athletes as sponsors, Nike turned into a $4 billion company.