Answer: They helped turn the tide in the royal air forces favor when they were being bombed by luftwaffe in 1940
Explanation: Radar and Enigma were two technological devices used during world war II. Radar works by sending out a signal in the form of a pulse, and any object within range of the radar dish will come into contact with the pulse, and return it back to the dish, registering it on the monitor.
Radar played a pivotal role during the Battle of Britain and the blitzkrieg of London. Due to radar capabilities, the Royal Air Force (R.A.F) was able to detect in coming Luftwaffe (German Air Force) planes. The R.A.F was then able to scramble their planes and alert nearby target areas and this enabled them to hold off the German advances, preventing an amphibious assault of the island.
The Enigma machine was a communication tool the Nazis used during World War 2. It encrypted and decoded messages being sent between the Nazi positions. The Enigma aided the Nazis in ocean warfare, as the German ships could easily communicate with each other around the Allied ships. The Enigma code was only broken when the British Navy was able to capture a damaged U boat before it could sink, and subsequently captured the Enigma machine and the code books, turning the tide in the Allieds' favour.