The correct answers are A) International treaties can limit the influence of the United States. B) NAFTA has resulted in a loss of jobs for many American workers. D)The United Nations is often ineffective at solving global problems. F) Rules set by the World Trade Organization benefit only big corporations.
Some objections critics have raised in response to global agreements and organizations are the following: International treaties can limit the influence of the United States, NAFTA has resulted in a loss of jobs for many American workers, the United Nations is often ineffective at solving global problems, and rules set by the World Trade Organization benefit only big corporations.
In a globalized world, countries have to sign treaties and agreements to cooperate. In the United States, many critiques do not agree with these agreements and treaties signed by the US because they think they affect the US economy and sovereignty. However, the US cannot act alone like in the past. Powerful European countries have increased their power such as Germany, and have formed trade blocks such as the European Union that represented a threat to the commercial interests of the United States. That is why it signed NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, now modified and with a new name: USMCA, the United States, México, and Canada Agreement.