Unique Possessive Nouns
Part A Read the sentences. Fill in the blanks to show the meaning of the -s in each sentence.
1. The man's map means the __map_____ that belongs to the _man______.
2. Ann's tray means a ______ owned by____________
3. The red mat in the booth means one________ that belongs to____________
4. Sam's floor means a ___________ that belongs to_____________
Part B
Read the sentence. Underline each possessive noun. Draw an arrow to show what the noun has or has.
1.The man's hat is on the cat.
2. Ann's big boat is in the port near the city.
3. They found bones in Paul's dig.
4. Paul used clay to create the lost bones of the dinosaur.
5. I have Stan's tools and Pat's paint.
6. Paul writes in the log book of the dig at the camp.
7. The desert land is dry. 8. They are looking for Jobaria's bones in the Niger desert.
9. The team's work is precise.
10. The rope from the pulley connects to the bones.
Step-by-step explanation: