Moreno Company
Comparative Income Statement
For the Years Ended December 31, 20-- 1
Amount %
Current Year Previous Year Increase Increase
(Decrease) (Decrease)
(1) (2) 3= (1-2) 3/2*100
Sales $1,120,000 $1,000,000 120,000 12%
Cost of goods sold 971,250 875,000 96,250 11%
Gross profit $148,750 $125,000 23,750 19%
Selling expenses $71,250 $62,500 8750 14 %
Administrative expenses56,000 50,000 6000 12%
Total operating expenses$127,250 $112,500 14,750 13.11%
Income before income tax $21,500 $12,500 9000 72%
Income tax expense 8,000 5,000 3000 60%
Net income $13,500 $7,500 6000 80%
The sales have increased 12 and so has the gross profit by 19% which shows a good advance.
Net income has increased by 80% which is good progress.
The operating expenses have increased more than sales which should be controlled.