First of all, you need to know this: Florida scrub in its various phases has been called xeric
scrub, sand scrub, big scrub, sand pine scrub, oak scrub,
evergreen oak scrub, dune oak scrub, evergreen scrub
forest, slash pine scrub, palmetto scrub, rosemary scrub,
and rosemary bald. Florida scrubs may be classified as
coastal or interior. Scrubs are often named by the dominant
plant species, as in rosemary scrub, sand pine scrub,
palmetto scrub, or oak scrub. Some authors have confused
closed-canopy forests of sand pine trees with scrub. Scrubs
that are very recent in origin, usually a result of mans
activities, are called pioneer scrubs. Communities
intermediate between scrub and pine flatwoods have been
called dry or xeric flatwoods but now are referred to as
scrubby flatwoods. Communities intermediate between
scrub and high pine have been called southern ridge
sandhills, hickory scrub, yellow sand scrub, turkey oak
scrub, turkey oak barrens, and natural turkey oak barrens,
but probably are best referred to as scrubby high pine.
What would happen over time is that the scrub will start to become extinct.
Step-by-step explanation: