2 votes
Write the AddressList method newBusiness. This method searches addresses for an existing business with an identical address (i.e. an address object for which street matches st and number matches no). If this is found, then the method updates the item in the list to an address with name nm, street st and number no. If no entry with a matching street and number exists, then the method adds a new address to the end of the list with name nm, street st and number no. The method should return the index on Addresses where the address has been updated or added.

1 Answer

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See explaination

Step-by-step explanation:

// Address.java

public class Address {


* The name of the business


private String name;


* The name of the street the business is on


private String street;


* The street number of the business


private int number;


* Constructs an Address that represents a business with name nm,

* at number no on the street st


public Address(String nm, String st, int no)


name = nm;

street = st;

number = no;



* Returns the name of the business


public String getName()


return name;



* Returns the name of the street on which the business is located


public String getStreet()


return street;



* Returns the street number of the business


public int getNumber()


return number;



//end of Address.java


import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.List;

public class AddressBook {


* The list of business addresses. No two businesses in the list

* can have the same address (both the same street and street number)


private List<Address> addresses;


* Constructs an empty AddressBook


public AddressBook()


addresses = new ArrayList<Address>();



* atparam st the name of a street

* atreturn a list with the names of each business with an address on that street


public List<String> onStreet(String st)


// create an empty output list of names of business

List<String> businessName = new ArrayList<String>();

// loop over the list of addresses

for(int i=0;i<addresses.size();i++)


// if ith street of address = nm, add the name of the business to the output list




return businessName; // return the list



* Searches for an existing business with an identical address (street and number

* both match). Updates the record to an address with name nm, street st and number no.

* If no entry already exists adds a new address to the end of the list with these parameters.


* atparam nm the name of the business

* atparam st the street the business is on

* atparam no the street number of the business

* atreturn the index of where the business address is on the list


public int newBusiness(String nm, String st, int no)


// loop over the list of addresses

for(int i=0;i<addresses.size();i++)


// if ith index addresses match the street and number of the input st and no

if((addresses.get(i).getStreet().equalsIgnoreCase(st)) && (addresses.get(i).getNumber() == no))


addresses.remove(i); // remove the ith address from list

addresses.add(i, new Address(nm,st,no)); // add a new address with the input name, street and number at ith index

return i; // return the index i



// if no address match, add the business at the end of the list

addresses.add(new Address(nm,st,no));

return addresses.size()-1; // return the last index



//end of AddressBook.java

User Rluta
7.0k points