The type of disturbance would be that these rivers begin to affect beaver burrows, terrestrial species that live in the surroundings of the rivers since they could drown, flood nearby areas and form new accumulations of water that modify the flora and fauna of certain areas, arrazar with trees or plants that are typical of the place and also generate an increase in volume to the flow that finally end up being the seas, generating that they grow more on the coasts and there is more risk of tsunamis or floods in the cities.
Step-by-step explanation:
The fluvial dynamics is the process by which the action of the rivers (erosion and sedimentation, mainly) changes in some way the land relief and the layout of the rivers (since new routes are assembled).
It is a fundamental concept in the analysis of hydrography and hydrology, especially in the study of inland waters. Its importance derives from the important consequences that the processes involved in river waters have in the planning of basins and in the construction of infrastructure works, both hydraulic and otherwise.