21 votes
Please answer quickly is this written in first person

My new cell phone is one-week old today. I started thinking as I patted the back of my jeans pocket to make sure it was still here. After two years of whining and complaining my two year contract was finally up and I could get my dream phone

“ What color case should I buy?” I asked Anglea politely.

“What about deep purple?” Anglea said to me while walking by the pizza parlor on Main Street.

“ No! Black and gold sparkles fits Melissa’s personality better,” as Zoe said interrupting us.

“ I wouldn't be caught dead with a sparkle cell phone case,” said Tommy, my brother.

“ Well, if Tommy is dead, the sparkles don’t really matter, right?” as I said smiling as I “zopen the door to Mattie’s Cell Phone Accessories. I am fine if Tommy is with us on our trips to town with my friends. Tommy makes very few friends because my brother is shy and I feel sorry about it.

My jaw dropped as I looked at the hundreds of different cell phone cases. A display near the cash register featured mobile socks. I picked up one with white trim, and looked closely at the design , the case never had good protection as I looked closely. If I pick up my phone from the bottom by mistake, it will fall and break.

I moved on to the mobile pouches. “ This would keep me from sitting on my phone and breaking it.” I took a moment to pat the back of my jeans again to see if it was still here.

“But the color of the case is a little plain for my looks,” I said. “ look at these phone cases on the back wall,” I said. I picked up a zebra phone striped skin, as I placed it against my face, I am so happy I love it.

“Aren’t cases supposed to protect phones?” as my brother asked. “ That one is not going to protect me much if I drop it on the cafeteria floor” as my brother continued to tell me.

“ I guess you are right,” I agreed. “ I am a little accident prone” as I continue to say.
Finally, I spotted the face plates against the left wall in the back of the store. “ Now, this is what I have been
looking for. These are stylish, but also offer protection.” Zoe smiled as I made a bee-line for the black case
gold sparkles.

“This one is perfect!” “ I'm glad you made your decision” as the shop owner Mattie said. “Come over to the cash register and I will ring you up” said the shop owner. “Can you put the new case on for me?” I asked as I pulled out my phone. One look and I immediately started to get pale. I put my hand over my heart and I fell into a chair by the window. “What this can't be?” This isn’t it.” “What’s going on?” as Anglea asked me.
“This. This isn't my new phone. It is my old phone. Tommy quick! Call mom and tell her go into my bedroom.” Tommy took out his phone and called mom. His mom quickly climbed the stairs and entered my room.
I grabbed the phone from my brother's hand. “ Mom, look at my desk. I know I left it right there. What do you mean it isn't there? Look all over. Please! Look on the floor,the bed, the closet..this can't be happening to me! Thanks for looking at mom. No, I am not irresponsible. I'll find it. I promise.” I hung up the phone as I started to turn to my friends.
“Someone stole my phone!” I shouted

“Don’t look at me,” Zoe said. “I just got a new one for christmas.

“It wasn't me” as Anglea said. “I have never even been in your bedroom.”

I had seen my brother look at the floor.” I wasn't happy when you got the new phone instead of me, but I would never steal from you.” as I was hearing my brother say in a low voice.
“ I know who took the phone,” I shouted. “You better hand it over, right now.” as i was talking to tommy thinking it is him.

1 Answer

7 votes

She absentmindedly pats the back pocket of her jeans to make sure it is still there. Two years of whining, complaining, begging, and dreaming finally paid off.

User Kimberlee
7.2k points