0 votes
Write a MIPS assembly language program that prompts for a user to enter how many floating point numbers to enter, then prompts to enter a series of floating point numbers and reads in numbers and store them in an array, then prints the original content of the array. Then it repeats it for a second array, and compare numbers from two arrays, and if a number in the first array is larger than the number of the second array of the same index, it swaps them. Then it should print the result contents for both arrays.

User Matli
5.3k points

1 Answer

4 votes


See explaination

Step-by-step explanation:


arraysize: .word 10

counter: .word 1

alreadystored: .word 0

num: .space 40 # reserve 40 bytes from the starting address of array

inputmsg: .asciiz "Enter a floating point number:\\"

outputmsg: .asciiz "The array contains the following numbers: \\"


.globl main


lw $t1, counter #counter

lw $t2, arraysize #max length of array

la $t0, num # base address of the array

#set initial flag for duplicate array element 0=entered value not present in array,1= entered value exists in array

li $t3,0 #reset the flag for alreadystored to 0

Loop 1:

# print input message prompt

la $a0, inputmsg

li $v0, 4


# get user entered keyboard input

li $v0, 6


# move user entered value from $f0 to array base address

s.s $f0, 0($t0)

#load the value at address pointed by $t0 to register $f1

l.s $f1,0($t0)

#compare the entered value in register $f0 to the value stored in $f1

c.eq.s $f1,$f0

#jump to loop2 if the values are not equal ie if the entered value is not duplicate then increment the array index and compare with next array element

bc1f loop2

#else make the value of flag alreadystored =1

li $t3,1

# if no duplicate then move to the next position in the array, increment loop counter


addi $t0, $t0, 4

addi $t1, $t1, 1

ble $t1, $t2, Loop1

# reset loop counter, and array address for printing out the array elements

lw $t1,counter

la $t0, num

# print output message prompt

la $a0, outputmsg

li $v0, 4



# print array elements

l.s $f12, 0($t0)

li $v0, 2


# print space

la $a0, 32

li $v0, 11


# increment loop counter and move to next array element

addi $t1, $t1, 1

addi $t0, $t0, 4

ble $t1, $t2, print_array


li $v0,10


User Steve Coleman
5.1k points