D, sales comparison approach, income approach, cost approach
Step-by-step explanation:
The cost approach of appraisal of real estate is a method of valuation that is based on the belief that informed buyers of a property would not pay more than they would for a product of similar utility. But then the method of valuation expects a buyer to pay for a property the amount it would cost to build a similar property. Cost approach can be calculated by
Property Value = Land Value + (Cost New – Accumulated Depreciation).
Income approach of real estate appraisal is a method of valuation that establishes the fact that the fair value of a property should be calculated by the amount of money the property generates. It is calculated by dividing the net operating income by the capitalization rate.
Sales approach appraisal method is also a method of valuation of real estate that involves comparing a property that is up for sale with properties that has similar characteristics or features and that was sold recently. It uses the individual characteristics of the property to detrmine the value of the property.