Maybe similar and may not be similar
- Whenever we are dealing with a set of data points or measurements as part of a study or research we have two parameters that completely specifies the distribution of data points/measurements. These are:
- The central tendency ( mean ): It is the average value of the set of data points. Around this value all the other measurements/data lies about.
- The standard deviation ( uncertainty ): It denotes the spread of data points or the uncertainty of a measurement. In other words, how far apart are the data points from the central tendency (mean) or how much does a measurement fluctuates or deviates from the actual mean value.
- For two sets of data to be equal then the values of both the parameters i.e central tendency and standard deviation must be same. If either one is not equal then the distributions are not equal.
- Hence, it is likely that set of data have same tendency and same or different standard deviation. They can be similar only if their standard deviations are also equal.